Work-Life Balance & One-Pan Sausage Pasta Bake

It’s been a really busy few months, hence the lack of blogging, but I’m finally back with a post! Unfortunately when life gets a little chaotic the things you do just for enjoyment, like writing my blog, have to take back seat. With so many demands in life it’s important to try not to overload…

Beef Bolognese Soup

This recipe really does cover all bases. It’s packed with nutrients and vitamins from all the fresh vegetables, lots of lean protein from the beef, carbs from wholegrain pasta and a dose of good fats from the cheese & coconut oil. According to A balanced mood and feelings of wellbeing can be protected by…

Roasted & Spiced Butternut Squash Soup

Here’s another recipe to help you hit your 5-a-day. This recipe makes a huge batch of soup making it great for feeding a crowd or what I like to do is stock up on healthy lunches for during the week, it means I can eat well even when I’m really busy. It will happily keep…

My (Skinnier) Pad Thai

I feel I need to start by saying this recipe is by no means authentic. I probably shouldn’t even be calling it a Pad Thai but hey that’s the beauty of freedom of speech. It is a great, tasty way to pack a lot of vegetables and lean protein into your midweek meals. In Asia…

Homemade Alphabetti Spaghetti & Alphabet Soup

I’ve always loved spaghetti hoops, I developed a strong dislike for baked beans during my primary school days, where eating everything served to you each lunch time was not a choice, neither was packed lunch. The force-feeding put me off them entirely and so the hoops in a can became my go-to toast topper. Whenever I was feeling slightly…

One-Pan Pasta with Mediterranean Vegetables

Today is World Mental Health day and while it might seem like recently everyday of the week is some kind of bizarre national day (from emojis to Don’t Cry Over Spilt Milk Day?! – 11th Feb in case you were wondering) this one is actually really important! The underlying vision of the Mental Health Foundation,…

Roasted Tomato & Basil Soup

You may think it’s strange for me to be posting a recipe for tomato soup in the midst of the current heat wave but the truth is I really love soup! No matter the weather, even when it’s boiling hot, I can still manage a steaming bowl of soup for lunch. Plus now is actually the…

‘Feel Good’ Old Fashioned Chicken Soup

As soon as I woke up the other day I knew something wasn’t right. Usually I am enthusiastic to begin the day but my limbs had turned to concrete and It was hard to peel myself off the mattress. I felt incredibly emotional, close to tears over breakfast and the familiar feeling of dread was…

Slow-Cooked Beef & Vegetable Ragu

Here’s another recipe to help you hit your 5-a-day. If you can get used to incorporating as many veggies as possible into your meals then you’ll be well on the way to a healthier diet. Most importantly you’ll be helping your body to stay at peak condition and in turn keeping anxiety as well as…