Motherhood – No Filter.

In all honesty I ummed and ared about writing this blog post, and it was that worry and indecision that eventually swayed me to do so. When I started this blog it was with the aim to break the stigma around mental health, to have those difficult conversations in the hope they would encourage others to…

Welcome to Motherhood…Pass the Biscuit Tin.

Becoming a Mother was everything I expected and nothing like I thought it would be. Or more to the point nothing like ‘I’ thought ‘I’ would be. The fact that its taken me the best part of 7 months to even write this blog is testament to that! You go to your antenatal classes, talk…

Sticky Miso Cod with Fresh Mango & Chilli Salsa

As I mentioned in my last post I have some exciting news that I’m thrilled to share with you all. Some of you might have guessed already but for those of you that haven’t i’m delighted to say (dramatic pause) I’m pregnant! This was a wonderful but unexpected surprise, we had planned on trying for…

Simple Sourdough Bread, a Beginners Guide

When it comes to sourdough it’s really easy to become overwhelmed with the various different techniques, equipment, time taken and general language used. This may leave you running for the hills instead of reaching for your bag of flour and I think that’s a real shame. I believe every family should be able to produce…

Beef Bolognese Soup

This recipe really does cover all bases. It’s packed with nutrients and vitamins from all the fresh vegetables, lots of lean protein from the beef, carbs from wholegrain pasta and a dose of good fats from the cheese & coconut oil. According to A balanced mood and feelings of wellbeing can be protected by…

Lean Turkey Burgers with Baked Salt & Vinegar Chips & Sriracha Slaw

Paying attention to nutrition and healthy eating definitely doesn’t mean you have to go without, in fact quite the opposite. There’s a great quote on Instgram doing the rounds at the moment that perfectly encapsulates this for me: By cooking from scratch and making educated food choices you can still enjoy all your favourite foods…

Roasted & Spiced Butternut Squash Soup

Here’s another recipe to help you hit your 5-a-day. This recipe makes a huge batch of soup making it great for feeding a crowd or what I like to do is stock up on healthy lunches for during the week, it means I can eat well even when I’m really busy. It will happily keep…

Quitting Alcohol & Super Banana Berry Smoothie Recipe

So I finally decided to kick the drink! I don’t like to use the term ‘give up’ as I firmly believe that I’m doing quite the opposite. Giving up insinuates going without and by quitting alcohol I won’t be missing out, instead think my life is going to be so much better! Alcohol isn’t good…

Christmas Canapés for Easy Entertaining

The trick for winning at entertaining during the festive season is by arming yourself with an arsenal of recipes that you can make ahead. You don’t want to be chained to the stove while your family and friends are sipping all the bubbly without you. It’s important to strike a balance between impressing your guests…

My (Skinnier) Pad Thai

I feel I need to start by saying this recipe is by no means authentic. I probably shouldn’t even be calling it a Pad Thai but hey that’s the beauty of freedom of speech. It is a great, tasty way to pack a lot of vegetables and lean protein into your midweek meals. In Asia…